As of: 01/2025
The documents online application in DATEV Unternehmen online offers the following advantages:
A DATEV authentication medium and the authorisation to access Documents online. If additional users are required, the form for requesting a DATEV access medium can be completed quickly and easily.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us by e-mail:
We have put together some practical tips and tricks to help you make the most of these benefits. In addition, you can book an appointment at the bottom of the page for a free introduction to DATEV Unternehmen online.
Note: Unfortunately, DATEV has not yet fully translated the programme. To make it easier to use, we write all untranslated words in the following form: German/English
To go to Documents online, please click on “Show document overview” in the overview in DATEV Unternehmen online.
NOTE: To ensure optimal processing and archiving of documents, receipts should be in PDF, TIF/TIFF, JPG or PNG file formats. Black and white or greyscale mode is recommended, with a resolution of 300 dpi. You can see whether the storage volume at DATEV has been exhausted and how much storage volume is available in the MyDATEV document storage volume programme.
Note: After opening the document overview, filters are set by default, for example: Eingangsdatum/Date received (upload date in Unternehmen online) = 12 months and sometimes the folder Posteingang/Inbox. These filters may need to be changed so that all documents are visible.
There are two options for filtering documents in the document overview:
Here you can choose from the following folders:
Note: The folders in the document filing system have nothing to do with the document types, even if the names may be the same.
The following filter criteria are available:
Then please click on “Anzeigen”/”Show”.
To edit documents, the corresponding document must first be selected in the document overview. Then click on “Bearbeiten”/”Edit” at the bottom right.
Editing options:
Additional information can be added to a document using the notes function. This function is helpful, for example, to indicate if something has been paid privately or to provide explanations for foreign-language receipts so that the purpose can be understood by the accounting department. The notes field is located on the right-hand side.
Note: After editing, save the changes by clicking on “Speichern und weiter”/”Save and continue”.
If an incorrect document type was selected when uploading, this can be changed using the selection in the top right-hand corner.
Note: After editing, save the changes by clicking on “Speichern und weiter”/”Save and continue”.
Note: Only documents merged in Unternehmen online can be separated again in this area.
If, for example, an invoice with several pages has been uploaded in individual files, all relevant files can be marked in the document overview and merged into a single document using the staple symbol above the overview.
If too many documents have been added by mistake, the files can be detached again using the “Entheften”/”Unstaple” function.