As of: 01/2025
The cash ledger online application in DATEV Unternehmen online offers our clients the following advantages:
A DATEV authentication medium and the authorisation to access Kassenbuch online/cash ledger online are required to use Kassenbuch online/cash ledger online. If additional users are required, the form for requesting a DATEV access medium can be completed quickly and easily.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us by e-mail:
We have put together some practical tips and tricks to help you make the most of the benefits. In addition, you can book an appointment at the bottom of the page for a free introduction to DATEV Unternehmen online.
Note: Unfortunately, DATEV has not yet fully translated the programme. To make it easier to use, we write all untranslated words in the following form: German/English
To access the Kassenbuch online/cash ledger online, please click on “Edit cash ledger” in the overview of DATEV Unternehmen online.
All existing cash ledgers are displayed in the overview of Kassenbuch online, you can see the current Kassenbestand/cash balance at a glance and can display all previous Kassenbewegungen/cash movements with one click.
How to record cash movements in the cash ledger
Notice: The amount is always transferred to the income. If it is an expense, please use the green arrows to move the amount to the expense field.
If a cash movement that has already been entered and recorded needs to be corrected, the incorrect record must first be reversed and then re-recorded. A new cash movement is recorded in accordance with the instructions in the record cash register section.
To cancel an incorrect record, an incorrect expense must be record as an income on the same date and then the correct expense must be recorded.
Note: In the case of an income, the principle must simply be reversed. This means that an incorrect receipt must be recorded as an expense on the same date and then the correct receipt.
For example:
The originally recorded cash movement was as follows:
This will now be canceled:
And subsequently corrected:
Note: To enter the correction posting, the corresponding receipt must be uploaded again. The cash register entry can then be carried out with the correct amount.
The process can then be tracked in the cash movements.
After successful correction, please commit the cash register as described above under record cash register.
With the annual transfer, the closing balance of the old year is transferred as the opening balance for the new financial year. The opening balance can no longer be changed.
DATEV recommends that you only carry out the annual transfer once the previous year has been completed. Even if your cash register has not yet been closed for the old year, you can still carry out the annual transfer. After the annual transfer, the account number of the cash register can be changed as long as no cash transactions have been recorded in the new financial year.
If subsequent changes are made in the old financial year after the annual transfer, a correction entry is necessary in the current financial year. Please note that you can no longer change the opening balance!
The DATEV click tutorial offers detailed instructions for the annual transfer.